LLMNR Poisoning: Understanding and Mitigating the Risk

The LLMNR Poisoning Attack

In today’s interconnected world, network security is more crucial than ever. One vulnerability is LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution) Poisoning attacks. These attacks allow malicious actors to intercept and manipulate network traffic, compromising sensitive information.

How LLMNR and NBT-NS Work

To understand the attack, let’s first explore how LLMNR and NBT-NS function. When a user attempts to connect to a network resource, their device sends a DNS inquiry to resolve the hostname. This inquiry is sent to the local network, expecting a response from the DNS server. If the DNS server doesn’t respond, the device falls back to LLMNR and NBT-NS to resolve the hostname. LLMNR and NBT-NS broadcast the inquiry to the local network, allowing any device to respond.

The Vulnerability

This fallback mechanism creates a vulnerability. A malicious actor with access to the LAN can respond to the inquiry, providing a fake DNS answer. This fake response directs the user’s device to a malicious server, where credentials are captured. The captured credentials are typically in the form of a hash value, which is a cryptographic representation of the password.

The Attack Execution

To gain access to the original password, the bad actor must crack the hash value using tools like hashcat or John the Ripper. If the password is weak, it can be quickly cracked, allowing the attacker to gain unauthorized access to sensitive resources.

Mitigation Measures

To prevent LLMNR Poisoning attacks, it’s essential to disable LLMNR and NBT-NS. By doing so, the device no longer falls back to these protocols when the DNS server doesn’t respond. Instead, the device will either use an alternative name resolution mechanism or fail to resolve the hostname. This eliminates the vulnerability, making it impossible for malicious actors to intercept and manipulate network traffic using LLMNR Poisoning attacks.

Alternative Measures

If disabling LLMNR and NBT-NS is not feasible, organizations should implement alternative measures. Requiring Network Access Control ensures that only authorized devices can connect to the network, reducing the attack surface. Additionally, enforcing strong user passwords makes it much harder for attackers to exploit captured credentials. While strong passwords don’t prevent LLMNR poisoning itself, they significantly mitigate the potential damage by making it difficult for attackers to crack the hash value.


By understanding how LLMNR Poisoning attacks work and implementing effective mitigation measures, organizations can protect themselves against this vulnerability. Regular monitoring and testing of network security protocols are also crucial to identify and respond to potential threats, ensuring the security and integrity of the network.